Toy Stories
Winter 2016 by Dan Pearch
In September, the ToyMakers of East Lake delivered over 3,000 toys to 19 different clients and agencies. Among these was Sallie House, “a safe haven for children, infant to seventeen years of age, who have been removed from their home because of abuse or neglect, or – even abandonment. Children may stay there as long as needed – for a few hours or several months – until they can be safely reunited with parents, placed with relatives, taken into a foster home, or adopted by a loving family.” When they arrive at this shelter, children often have little more than the clothes on their back. The simple toys furnished by ToyMakers of East Lake can often ease their transition during this emotionally trying time. In December, we delivered another 4,000 toys bringing our 2016 total deliveries to over 14,000 toys – our best year ever!